
Showing posts from March, 2016

We Are Now 1 Month Away From Conference!

More candidates are throwing their hats into the ring... Kn. Marvin Bardo from Indianapolis is running for President of the Northern States District. Kn. Alexander Taylor from Detroit is running for re-election as District Secretary of the Northern States District. Kn. Joseph Bradfield from Chicago is running for re-election as District Deputy of the Northern States District. His letter is below... To: All Grand Knights        Delegates        Members of the Northern States District Brothers holding true to a statement made years ago and it continues to be my Battle Cry. “ Two years ago I asked for your support and it was given.  Today, I am seeking a second term as your Northern States District Deputy. I will not take your voice nor vote for granted. As your serving Deputy I have been a strong voice for our District, being an advocate for what is just. During my two Conventions, National Board meetings, a...