
Showing posts from May, 2017

That Saturday Part 3!! The Fun Continued!

The Northern States District Board! Past Supreme Sentinel, Past President of Michigan Central Committee, Past Mother of the Courts and Friend ... she posthumously won an award! There is her crew! Below are some memorable moments at the banquet! The Supreme Knight gave a few words to the membership! Can anyone guess what this is?

Memorial Day Message .. a day late, but still ...

ON BEHALF OF THE SUPREME KNIGHT AND SUPREME LADY   Brothers and Sisters in Claverism, This holiday weekend we honor the memory of those men and women, including our own Claver brothers and sisters, who have given their lives for our country in the name of freedom. They have worked, fought, and made the ultimate sacrifice for the heritage of freedom and liberty that we have come to expect as our everyday way of life. So this Memorial Day weekend, while spending time with family and friends, celebrating graduations, enjoying cookouts and other festive gatherings, please make time to attend Mass and pray for the repose of the souls of the faithful departed that gave up so much so that we can enjoy holidays like this one. Yours in Claverism Grant A. Jones Executive Director

That Saturday Part Two!

Pre Banquet Social!   The new presidents of the Northern States District! The Supreme Knight and the Milwaukee Inter Council. T he conference chairperson and our friend from Louisiana. The new president with the past president. L adies of the Round Table! The National Officers at the Conference! The current District Deputy, the Past President, and current President!

April 29th was a blast! It took me a week to recover! (Part One)

Here we are at the President's Luncheon designed to support the Junior Division of the district.   The District Deputy decided to photo bomb the shot. Above is one of the dishes, chicken piccata. Below is cheese ravioli with summer squash. Here are some of the National Officers giving words of encouragement.