
Showing posts from December, 2017

Happy Holidays from the National Office!

Dear Claver Family, The time of year is upon us where we spend time with family and friends over the holidays, reflect on the past year, and look ahead to the coming year. Reflecting on the past year, we can’t help but feel very blessed.  Blessed by the opportunity to be members of the Claver family in service to the church and mankind.  Blessed by being surrounded by so many passionate members who love our Order and are dedicated to its continued success.  Our success, this year and always, is ultimately due to your efforts in serving your local communities and promoting our Noble Order through your work. In closing, please join me in thanking our National Office staff for their efforts throughout the past year.  As such, the National Office will close at  12 noon  on Thursday December 21 st  and reopen on Wednesday December 27 th . On behalf of our Most Esteemed Supreme Lady Vertelle Kenion, our National Chaplain Most Reverend Sh...

A Message from The National

Dear Claver Family Please join together and pray for our Claver Brother and Sisters in the Western States that may be effected by the wildfires that are now burning. The National Office is reaching out to those areas directly, and we will provide updates if any of our members or Church Communities are impacted.  Prayer for Those Suffering From the Western Wildfires “Oh Lord, as heat and dry weather envelope our country, we pray for all who have been affected by the devastating fires currently burning throughout our land. Fire is so very necessary for our existence, and yet, when it gets out of control, it can be more damaging than anything else. We ask God for protection against destroying fire. Keep our lives, our homes, buildings, woods and fields safe from this scourge. Help us to always use care and caution in our use of fire. Bring the waters of refreshment to quench the fires and the thirst of those who fight to protect and save us from fires. Give us a savin...

Holiday Celebrations in the District!

St. Martin De Porres Assembly and Chapter 11 fellowshipping at Traffic Jam in Detroit, MI in early December. Court 97 is celebrating at a Christmas Luncheon in Indiana.