
Showing posts from July, 2018

An Important Event on the East Coast in September.


National Convention in one week!

In the Northern States District, we have many candidates running for office at the 3rd degree and 4th degree level, Knight Joseph Bradfield Sr. from Chicago, Illinois is running for Deputy Supreme Knight. Lady Marie Johnson from Grand Rapids, Michigan is running for Vice Supreme Lady. Knight Alexander Taylor from Detroit, Michigan is running for National Secretary. Lady Anita Coleman from Washington D.C. is running for National Lay Board Member. Lady Tasha McShan White from Chicago, Illinois is running for Supreme Steward. Knight Knolly Bascombe from Detroit, Michigan is running for Supreme Pilot. Lady Corrine Grant from Chicago, Illinois is running for Supreme Pilot. Lady Sandra Spaulding from the Midwest is running for Supreme Outer Sentinel. Please support our people in Anaheim, California!