Please share pictures of your St. Peter Claver Day Celebrations! Here is a message from the Supreme Knight and Supreme Lady ... Saint Peter Claver baptized and instructed more than 300,000 slaves in the Faith. Having died in 1654, he was beatified in 1850 by Pope Pius IX, and canonized in 1888 by Pope Leo XIII. In 1896, he was proclaimed the special patron of all the Catholic missions especially missions to Blacks. Each year, in early September the Claver family takes the opportunity to celebrate all that our patron, Saint Peter Claver, accomplished in his short stay on earth in bringing aid and comfort to the enslaved people of color and the less fortunate in Cartagena, Columbia. His lasting impact influenced our humble beginnings one hundred eight years ago and remains the embodiment of our existence to this very day. In today’s increasingly secular and fragmented society, our leadership as Clavers is vital. Society has never needed men and women of integ...