A Message From the District Board!


KNIGHTS and LADIES BOARD 30 August 17 Subject: Hurricane Harvey Relief Fund Greetings Grand Knights and Grand Ladies, As we witness the effects of Hurricane Harvey in Texas, Gulf States and Louisiana areas, the District offers its prayers to these residents. Those members who have relatives in these States as well as members of the Knights of Peter Claver and Ladies Auxiliary Inc., we ask you to encourage them to move to higher grounds. Material items can be replaced, but not lives. As in the past where catastrophic events have occurred, we the Northern States District Boards are requesting that the NSD Regions would provide monetary relief to the Hurricane Harvey impacted areas.

 Please forward donations to the District Vice President: David D. Quarles, 1016 Palmer Road #11 Fort Washington, MD 20744~ 4686. All checks should be made payable to: Northern States District and in the memo: Hurricane Harvey Relief Fund {HHRF}

Our GOAL is to reach $3, 000.00 or more by October 1, 2017. God has blessed you to be a blessings to others. Thank you in advance for your monetary contributions to aid the Hurricane Harvey Relief Fund.

Yours in Claver,
Joseph R. Bradfield, Sr                                          Lena Young District
Deputy District                                                         District Deputy

Marvin J. Bardo                                                       Stephanie M. Inis  
Northern States District                                          Northern States District
Knights President                                                    Ladies President 


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