I have been RE_ENERGIZED! NSDC 81st in Indianapolis, IN

Here are some pics from the Northern States District Conference in Indianapolis, Indiana.
Above are some lobby pictures of the Marriott Hotel. Behind the lobby was the bar and dining area.

The joint session began on Friday. The Supreme Knight and Supreme Lady were present this weekend. Just before the joint session, we honored deceased members of the organization since the last conference. Above is a plaque of deceased board members of the Northern States District.

Friday evening was the Gospelfest. That band was very good!

The Dignitaries walked in ...

Northern States Director and Directress

Father of the Councils and Mother of the Courts

Presidents of the District

Immediate Past President & Immediate Past District Deputy

Conference Hosting Chairpersons from Indianapolis

District Deputies

District Secretaries

(Not pictured, District Treasurers)

District Financial Secretary (one is not pictured)

District Vice Presidents

Most Worthy Supreme Knight & Most Esteemed Supreme Lady

Banquet Dias

I got the garden salad and beef! It was tender.


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