October - Junior Expansion Month in the Northern States District!
A message from the Northern States District Director ...
Greetings Brothers & Happy Belated Founders Day!
As many of you all know, I declared the month of October, Junior Knight expansion month. I am happy to report that the month of October had an increase in junior membership...19 new members! This was partly done by the Chicago Unity Weekend Committee that included our Chicago area commander, Br. David Wilburn and our district deputy, Br. Joseph Bradfield. During the Chicago unity weekend, 8 junior knights were initiated. Additional recognition should be given to St. Joseph of the West End Council/Branch 363 in Cincinnati, Ohio for initiating a record number of juniors in one branch. Commander Bill Ware and I, held 2 initiations in the month of October, bringing in a total of 9 new members. Growing from 3 members to 12 members plus adding a transfer, for a total of 13 members.
With the above efforts, the Northern States District junior division has leaped into 3rd largest district in our nobel order, surpassing the Golf Coast District!!!
After contacting our national office, I am well aware that this number could be higher. However, paperwork and initiation fees are not properly being submitted. I ask that anyone that recently held an initiation, please forward the proper paperwork and initiation fee down to the national office using a council or branch check. Commanders, please get in the habit of checking and updating your roster for active (paid) members at your local branch. There are a few branches that are 90 days pass due. contact me with any questions.
To my Area commanders, please send me an update/report of activity in your surrounding areas. You all are the key! Still looking for an Area Commander in Philadelphia, and around the Norfolk, VA area. Someone, anyone please call me! Last but not least, if every unit can increase their membership by 3 members, we will move into 2nd place in the entire noble order, in terms of juniors. Something that's never been done! Let's make it happen Northern States District!
Let's make history!
Yours in Claverism,
Kn. Rob Harris
Northern States District Director
Cincinnati, OH
-Make way for Knighthood....
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