News from the Garden State!

On Sunday, November 15th, Father Zephyrin Katompa was formally installed as Pastor of St. Peter Claver Church at a mass celebrated in the 3 languages of the parish - English, Spanish and French. Co-celebrating the mass with Father Zeph (center) was the Regional Vicar for Essex County, Monsignor Robert Emery (left), the dean of North Essex, Reverend John Gordon (not pictured) and long time friend of St. Peter Claver, Father Harvey Balance (right).
The installation was heralded... as a sign of Archbishop John Myers' love and concern for St. Peter Claver Church. At a celebration following the mass Father Zeph, the first African-American Pastor at the church, was commended for the many changes he has brought about in his over 2 years of service at the parish including the introduction of CCD classes in Spanish, initiating Women's Fellowship groups in both English and Spanish and improvements in the parish hall and CCD classrooms.


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